Hello there!
Yes, here I am again, several months later making yet another apology for my absence. My excuse this time round? Well it started off that life was keeping me busy, but then it got to the stage that I had nearly forgotten about this blog and started to fear I had no reason to get back to it. But after a inward debate and persuasive talks from my chummy Nixie, I am back once again. I'm not promising any miracles but I hope to get back into a regular pattern of uploading posts.
So today I have been tagged by the aforementioned Nixie to the Liebster Awards. (Check out her post here.)
Q1. What is something that made you very happy recently?
Seeing my little cousin this weekend. I don't get to see her as often as I should and so when I do I can't help but smile.
Q2. What is one thing you want to complete in the future?
My education is the first thing that comes to mine. I'm currently one year away from the big L.C so I have a lot of decisions to make between now and then as regards that. As long as I'm happy in the course I choose, that's all I care about.
Q3. If you could invite any two people to dinner who would it be and why?
The first person would be Jesus- I have a lot of questions for that guy. Secondly I would have to choose my Auntie Kate. I only knew her for the first 5 years of my life before she died so I would love to get the chance to talk to her again.
Q4. What is your favourite chat up line?
Sorry Nixie, but I really don't like this question. I just think chat up lines are way too cheesy and used by people who only want one thing, if you get what I mean. I'd much rather some nice fella just coming over and saying hello. Simple but effective.
Q5. Something you are excited for?
Christmas! Although it's only November and the Christmas ads are on way too early, I just can't wait for it. All the family around, the smell of the Christmas tree and way too much food. I'm getting way too excited just thinking about it.
Q6. Where do you see yourself in three years?
Hopefully, just starting my 2nd year of college. Probably in Dublin, probably studying English, or film studies, or journalism, or.. God knows what else!
Q7. Favourite condiment?
I'm a simple enough gal when it comes to condiments. The classic tomato sauce always wins for me.
Q8. Current favourite song?
Downtown by Macklemore. It is so damn catchy.
Q9. What's the compliment you recieve the most?
People sometimes tell me I have nice long hair. I suppose it's alright! *humble as fuck*
Q10. Favourite blogs to read?
I think I've said this before but I'm not actually a big blog reader. The most person I keep up to date with is of course the lovely Nixie who is also my bestest chummy. She writes about things she has a true passion for which is something I really admire about her.
My Questions:
1. Are you happy or sad in your life right now?
2. What is your favourite song to dance to on a night out?
3. How is your love life?
4. Who is the one person you turn to when things go bad?
5. What do you not like to talk about?
6. What is your favourite memory?
7. What is/was your favourite subject in school?
8. If you could change anything in your life what would it be?
9. Are you missing anything in your life?
10. Are you currently reading anything?
As I did last time I did the Liebster award, I nominate all of you to do this. Thanks again to Nixie for nominating me. Hope you all enjoyed.
Adios amigos,