
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Get To Know Me Tag

I feel like answering a few questions today so I'm going to do the 'Get To Know Me Tag'. I hope this gives you more information on me that you wouldn't have known before. Enjoy!

Vital Stats
Name: Well on here I’m Inkspots so you’ll just have to guess my real name.
Birthday: 07/07/1998
Place of Birth: Ireland.
Star Sign: Cancer
Occupation: For the moment, I’m sadly a student in secondary school.

Hair colour: Dark brown
Hair length: Pretty long, if I do say so myself
Eye colour: Light blue
Best feature: Not to blow my own horn but I do like my smile
Braces: I had them from the age of 10 until I was 12. Looking back, I’m so glad I got my teeth fixed early, teenage years are hard enough to deal with without a face of metal as well.
Piercings: Both my ears twice, but I’m letting the second one’s close up.
Tattoos: None, and I don’t plan on getting any.
Righty of Lefty: Righty although I do kick a ball and swing a hurl on my left side. Strange I know.

Best friend: Nixie-Pixie, and she still is to this day
Kiss: When I was 12, between two seats at the back of a bus. I was a very romantic preteen.
Award: I won first prize for my rabbit in an agricultural show. He may have been the only competitor, but sure he won it anyway!
Sport: Camogie
Real Holiday: I went to Wales when I was two.
Concert: I’m ashamed to say it was Westlife in Croke Park. I was a massive Jedward fan back then, and they were the supporting act.

Film: I have to give it to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II. Pure magic
TV Show: I recently gave in to the hype and started watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix
Colour: Lilac
Song: This changes all the time. At the moment it’s ‘Chasing Rubies’ by Hudson Taylor
Restaurant: Nowhere specific comes to mind but I did go to Nandos recently for the first time and that was really good
Store: It has to go to Topshop despite it being so god damn expensive
Book: Looking for Alaska by John Green
Magazine: I used to like an Irish magazine called ‘Kiss’ but they stopped publishing it so now I don’t really read magazines.
Shoes: My white crochet toms. I just think they’re so cute.

Feeling: Chilled
Single or Taken: Single for the past 16 years or so..
Eating: I just ate dinner, does that count?
Listening to: ‘One’ by Ed Sheeran live at the iTunes Festival 2014
Thinking about: Cleaning my room, it’s in a bad state
Watching: Again, Ed Sheeran live at the iTunes Festival 2014
Wearing: A Hollister hoodie, a Forever 21 top and Abercrombie bottoms. Very lazy, I know.

Want Children?: Yep, at least two
Want to be married?: Yes
Careers in mind: Journalism
Where do you want to live: At the moment it’s between Dublin, Galway and London.

 Do you believe in..
God: Yes
Miracles: Yes
Love at first sight: I don’t know about love at first sight, but definitely an attraction at first sight.
Ghosts: No
Aliens: Nah
Soul Mates: Yes
Heaven: Yes
Hell: Not sure, very hypicritical I know.
Kissing on the first date: Why not?
Yourself: Absolutely

So that's all there's to know about me, myself and I. Hope you enjoyed because I enjoyed making it.

Adios amigos,

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Dear You

Hello there!
Today, I'm writing a letter. A letter to a boy. Filled with all the things I wish I'd done, I wish he'd done and the things I wish we could say, face to face. Feel free to gag at any point, this may get a bit cringey.

Dear you,
First of all, hi. It's been nearly six months since I've said that to your face. I'm going to start back at the beginning. When it really began. On that sunny beach where we played hurling for what felt like forever. We didn't talk too much but I was doing all of that in my head, were you doing that too?
Every pass of the ball like a message in itself. I knew so little about you then only that you lived far away from me.

Then, like little school children, one of the girls asked you to shift me. Such a vigorous word, 'shift'. But through the grapevine I heard back that it was a yes. Then the real attraction began and all the things that come with liking someone else. I was already thinking about the final céilí and how we'd spend the night together, hand in hand. I was expecting you to ask me to dance before then though, but you didn't. Why didn't you? When I saw you ask that girl to dance, you kind of tore my heart the tiniest bit. Does he not like me anymore? Was it all just a joke? So yet again there was poor me, led to believe in fantasies that just weren't going to happen.

But then the final céilí came. I was set to avoid you throughout the night. You would hang out with your cool friends and I would dance with whoever, pretending like I didn't care, but I did. The girls didn't understand. They thought that you dancing with another girl was just a speed bump and that I should shift him anyway. I told them no and I thought they'd forget, but they didn't. Next thing I know they're walking over to me with you stuck firmly between them, like a prized possesion that they were now offering up to me. I took one look at you and all the bitterness melted away. You took me in your arms and led me to the wall. We kissed. It was nice. Then we talked, well I talked mostly, you seemed a little shy. Were you nervous? Then we kissed again, talked again, kissed again. Then out of no where you asked me to dance with you. This sudden courageousness took me by surprise but I said yes none the less. We slow danced to Coldplay's 'Fix You' and I really thought that you could fix me in that moment, with your arms wrapped safely around me, protecting me. You offered me your hand and led me outside. We talked. The rest of the night is a blur. I danced with my friends and at the end of the night you hugged me goodbye. That was the last time you put your arms around me.

When I got home reality sunk in. You were miles away and you weren't coming back anytime soon, so I took the plunge and started the conversation on Facebook. You were so sweet. Telling me about you and what you were up to. Sure I sent you the first 'x' but from then on it was mostly you. Did them 'x's really mean anything? When we met up in Dublin it was like I was seeing you for the first time again, shy and nervous, but you soon warmed up and you returned to the sweet boy I know you are underneath. But I should have known online conversations wouldn't last. Within two months, things were dying down and although you promised to come visit me, it never happened. Were you even planning to come meet me?

Now all I'm left with are the memories of that night and the conversations after. I'm not exagerating when I say you come into my mind every day. I wish I had some photograph of us together to remember you by, but all I have are these memories that sometimes seem only like dreams. I still imagine that you'll talk to me some day, saying you're sorry you didn't keep in touch, but once again these are just fantasies in my ditsy little mind. I wish I got to know you better. You were so kind and sweet when all the other boys were trying and failing to act 'cool' and I miss that. I miss you.

From your summer fling of 2014,

Thanks for reading this guys, hope you enjoyed it
Adios amigos,

Monday, 2 February 2015

Shooting for the Stars

Hello there!
Today I'm going to talk about my dreams and aspirations. I have many goals in my life and these change all the time, but today I'm going to tell you what they currently are.

1. Become a Journalist
This is the big one. For the last couple of years, when someone asked me what I wanted to do after school, I would say a journalist. I really enjoy reading and when I went into secondary school and started writing essays for English, I realised I liked writing too. I was lucky enough to have one of my essays published in a book and that really gave me the drive to become a journalist in the future. Choosing this career scares me as I know it's a tight industry, but I'm really interested and of course I still have two years to make up my mind for sure, so there's no pressure (yet!). I'd like to do a blog post about choosing a career again as it's something everyone has to go through.

2. Travel the World
I know this is a dream that everyone has in some shape or form but I really, really want to travel. My main influence to go travelling is my auntie. She's a teacher so before she got married and had a baby, she used to spend her summers travelling the world with her friends, and she's told me some amazing stories. She's climbed Machu Pichu in Peru, was woken by elephants in a campsite in Nairobi and spent a summer working in an old style diner in New Jersey (one where you glide around on roller blades serving customers), and that's just to name a few. Whenever she talks about her travels, I just want to take off and go explore. Although I wouldn't say I'm the most adventurous, it's something I really want to do after college.

3. See All of My Favourite Artists Live
As you may already know from reading my previous posts, I love music, so before I die, I want to go to lots and lots of concerts. There's nothing better than seeing an act live. The buzz from them singing right in front of you is electrifying and I want to experience that as much as possible. I also really want to go to a festival soon. Good music, nice clothing and time spent with friends, all my favourite things put together. 

4. Get Married and Raise a Family
This one's a bit cheesy and embarrasing but it's true all the same. I like the idea of making a commitment to someone you love that you will be loyal to them and love them for the rest of your life. An everlasting promise between two people. Also raising a family with the person I love is something I'd really love to do. Being an only child, I think I'd like at least two kids, even though I love being an only child. But hey, that's years and years away so it's nothing to be thinking about in the near future!

5. Make Memories 
This is going to sound stupid but I want to make memories of the wild nights out and the spontaneous things I do. Being a 16 year old from rural Ireland, finding ways to go out on a Saturday night can be hard, so once college comes I'll be ready to have mad nights out with my bestest of friends (all legal of course). Stuff to make me look back and think, God that was crazy but so much fun.

So there you have it. Some of my dreams and aspirations to achieve in the future. Hope you liked this little snippet of what I'm hoping to do with my life.

Adios Amigos,