Hello there!
Today, I'm going to talk about something that I've been going through a lot lately: the January blues. It's really been effecting me this year, more than any year before and I really just want January to be done with.
The first half of the month was okay. I was on holidays and then we went back to school again, nothing out of the ordinary. It was midway through January when it really hit me. I had permission to be out of class because we're doing a project for Transition Year, but a lot of the time I either wanted to be in a normal classroom, or just go home back to bed. What I was doing wasn't exciting and something I'm not that interested in. I know your thinking I should be lucky to get out of class all day, and I did appreciate it for the first week, but after that, the project became tedious and I just did not want to be there.
As you may already know, I like my sleep, but this month I've just been tired all the time. Sleep hasn't been good enough, I haven't been able to sleep until two in the morning, then I have a nap in the afternoon. I felt like I needed to go into a a coma for a week to catch up with sleep. I started going to school late and not really giving a damn. I think my mam thinks there's something wrong with me!
To top it all off, our school was given the chance to go to RTÉ but only three students were allowed go, so as instructed I wrote a letter to my principal basically pleading to her to let me go, then what does she do only draw our the names out of a hat because it's "the fairest option". My pleas meant nothing. I went home that day feeling like absolute shit and I just cried. It wasn't even like the girls who got it are even interested in journalism. Me and my friend have decided our school is corrupt. You may hear of a riot taking place in a rural school in Ireland yet, watch this space.
I know I'll be alright though. It's just something I've got into my head and I'm letting it run it's course. On February 1st, expect a new me with a fresh start and a plan to start the year right. I think it's something we all go through every once in a while and January seems to be the month that triggers it. I'm optimistic about February, I have a lot of great things planned with great people too.
I hope you didn't mind this type of a post. I know it's a bit of a downer but I just wanted to get it off my chest. Hope you enjoyed it anyway.
Adios amigos,
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Monday, 26 January 2015
Questions and Answers- The Liebster Award
Hello there
lovely people!
Three days ago, I
was nominated for this Liebster Award thing by my lovely friend Nixie who
has a lovely blog too, (go check her out.)
These are the
rules that come with it:
1. Thank the
blogger who nominated you & link their blog.
2. Answer the
questions provided
3. Nominate
other blogs for this award
4. Create 11
new questions for the nominees to answer
5. Let the
nominees know
So today, I'm going to do my best to answer Nixie's questions
and make up a few of my own. Hope you enjoy!
1. What is something you are passionate about? (except
Gay rights. I
know our society has come a long way and gay marriage is legal in lots of
country's but I still feel that some people are just not open to the changes
that need to be accepted. Love is love and it shouldn't have to be defined by
male and female. I'm not gay myself but it's just something I feel very
passionate about.
2. What has been the best moment of 2015 so far?
There has already
been so many good memories this year, but the one that sticks out the most is a
house party I went to with my friends. It was just a lovely night that included
good company, good food and a lot of ABBA dancing. What more could a girl want?
3. If you could change something in the world what would it
Something minor would be having school start an hour later. Sleep
is my drug and I'm addicted. Getting up at 8 o'clock every morning is a real
struggle so just one more hour would be bliss. In the bigger scheme of things,
I would change people's opinion on one another. There is so much unnecessary
hate in our world, even in my own school the word 'hate' is thrown around so
freely and I don't think it's right. As Nelson Mandela said, no child is born
hating another, it is something they learn. Everything would be so much better
in our world if hate wasn't so evident everywhere.
4. What piece of advice would you give to your younger
First of all, don't cut you hair! The bob doesn't suit you. Don't spend all
your money in Penneys, don't kiss the first boy that passes your way, the right
ones will come with patience. I promise. Finally, don't rush yourself to find
your place in society. Your true friends will show themselves in the end.
5. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Getting things
off my mind. Before I started blogging, thoughts and ideas would cross my mind,
but I'd always let them pass and forget about them. Now I have a place to
develop those thoughts and ideas and make them into something for other people
to read and enjoy.
6. Favourite blog?
To be quite honest, I'm not the biggest blog reader (shock horror
I know!) but I sometimes read beauty product reviews and things like that.
Viviannadoesmakeup is a favourite of mine. She puts so much effort into her
blog and it shows in the final product.
7. Hardest thing you have ever done?
A few things come to mind. Most recently the Junior Cert. Stress
levels reached dangerous heights. I'm talking crying in Irish dangerous. (If
you want to hear my tips on dealing with stress check out my blog post on how I
coped.) Secondly, home sickness in the Gaeltacht. Two years ago, my first time
in the Gaeltacht, I had home sickness, bad. I desperately wanted to go home by
the second week. It was my first time away from home without my parents and it
didn't help that the girls living with us were caught up in their own bubbles
in an attempt at looking 'cool'. I still get nightmares about them girls
('dramatic shiver'). Lastly is losing the people I love. When I was young I
lost two grandparents and an aunt in the space of a year. Although I don't
remember it much, I do know it hit our family hard. More recently in 2010, I
lost my grandad to Alzheimers. I still remember having to say goodbye to him
for the last time and I regret all the things I never got to say to him.
8. Your current favourite beauty product?
Oh, this one's
tricky. I'm going to have to say the MAC lipstick I got for Christmas in
'Russian Red'. It's a beautiful statement red. The thing I love about red
lipstick is that it's always in fashion and it brings a touch of class to an
outfit. I immediately feel like Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe when I wear
9. Something that makes you really happy?
My family and friends. No doubt about it. Whether its a warm hug
or a good chat about God knows what, I always have family and friends there to
help me along the way. It's something I'm very grateful for.
10. If you had to pick one word to describe your blog what
would it be?
Another hard one.
I'm going to be very witty with this one and say 'me'. This is because I want
my blog to represent me as a person, not just what I wear or what my favourite
skincare items are. That's what I'm trying to achieve anyways.
11. What is your dream job?
A journalist. It's what I hope to be when I leave school. I know
it's a hard career to get into, but it's all I really want, so I'm going to do
my God damn best to get it.
So there are my answers! Now I know I'm supposed to nominate
people to do this, but I'm only new on here and don't know any people who
haven't done it already. So, I'm going to nominate you, reading this. You can
do it on your own blog, write them down on a piece of paper or maybe just think
about your answers in you head!
So here are my questions for you:
1. What is something
you would like to do/achieve by the end of 2015?
2. If you could
wear just one pair of shoes for the rest of your life what would they be?
3. What is your pet
4. What is the one
book you really want to read?
5. Do you prefer
your birthday or Christmas?
6. Who is the one
artist you want to see live before you die?
7. Do you prefer
being with friends or having alone time?
8. What is the one
thing you would change about your school?
9. If you had one
day left to live, how would you spend it?
10. What is the
meaning of your name?
What is your favourite childhood memory?
So that's all my
questions and answering done. Hope you enjoyed this different type of post and
learned a little more about me.
(P.S sorry about the weird font changes. I've tried everything to fix it and it just won't all stay the same!)
(P.S sorry about the weird font changes. I've tried everything to fix it and it just won't all stay the same!)
Adios amigos,
Thursday, 22 January 2015
My Favourite Movies
Today, I want to talk about my favoutite movies. The ones that make me laugh, cry, and feel all fuzzy inside. These movies are quite a mix although I would say my favourite are rom-coms and coming of age movies. So without further adieu, here are my all time favourite movies.
Mamma Mia- This one is at the very top of the list for two reasons, 1. I love ABBA songs, 2. I love the story. It's just a cute story and I can't help but fall in love with all the characters, especially Skye (swoon.) Some day I want to visit the place in Greece where it was filmed because it's just so beautiful. I'd say I've seen the movie more than ten times by now, I just watched it again the other day. I can't get enough of it!
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging- This is another movie that I will never get fed up with. It's a good representation of a typical teen life which I love and it also includes the heart throb Robbie as the male lead, who is not too hard on the eye. I feel I can relate to Georgia,the female lead as she goes through the struggles of being a teenage girl with all its up and downs.
The Parent Trap- This movie is one from my childhood but one I still love to this day. The plot isn't very realistic but I don't care because the story just makes my heart melt. I love the idea that fate brought you and your twin sister who you never knew you had together and I think that's the main reason I love this so much.
New York Minute- Another one from my childhood. Mary-Kate and Ashley were my idols growing up and I loved all their movies, especially this one. This was one of their last movies to film together so they're in their late teens. Mary-Kate's the badass and Ashley's the smart one. I love how even though their sisters, they're totally different and are forced to be together and solve their differences. A bit of a teenage rebel movie at heart. Much like myself.
The Hobbit Trilogy- Now I know you're thinking this is a bit unexpected, compared to the list so far, but I love a bit of fantasy. I'd read the book before seeing the movies and loved how this small hobbit from The Shire could overcome his doubts and go on this big adventure with the dwarfs and Gandalf. My only contradiction is that I think it could have been made into two movies. It did drag on a bit and was a very long adventure by the end of the third movie.
Mean Girls- The ultimate chick flick. This movie is one I come back to all the time, simply because it's so funny. It has so many good one liners, (You go Glen Coco!) and in some ways does represent what a teenage school can be like.
P.S I Love You- I feel an instant connection to this movie simply because some of it is set in Ireland. Although Gerard Butler does not do a great Irish accent, I love how we get to live through this couple's life, even after Gerry's gone. A really good movie for any romantics out there.
Bridget Jones's Diary- Another classic rom-com. I love watching all the stupid things Bridget gets herself into and seeing how the love triangle between Daniel and Mark progresses. Although Hugh Grant is the badass who I know she shouldn't fall for, I can't help but falling for him a small bit myself. Is that so wrong?
Wild Child- Again, this is a great coming of age movie, in some ways similar to Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and including the very gorgeous Freddy Kingsley. Very funny in places but a sweet movie at heart. I don't think I'll ever get sick of it!
Love Actually- This movie is so cute. I love how it's all these small story lines all intertwined to form the message of the movie: love is all you need. It also features some great actors, again including Hugh Grant as the prime minister, who do their job to a tee.
Harry Potter Series- (Particularly The Deathly Hallows Part II) The best left 'til last. This is the ultimate viewing experience. It has everything, romance, tension,fighting and a brilliant speech from Neville at the end. (I may or may not know it off by heart...) Just the best movies ever, and if you haven't seen them yet, what are you doing with your life?!?

So there you have it. All my favourite movies on the one page. It took a long think to narrow it down to these eleven so I hope I'm not forgetting anything important. Hope you enjoyed it!
Adios amigos,
Today, I want to talk about my favoutite movies. The ones that make me laugh, cry, and feel all fuzzy inside. These movies are quite a mix although I would say my favourite are rom-coms and coming of age movies. So without further adieu, here are my all time favourite movies.
Mamma Mia- This one is at the very top of the list for two reasons, 1. I love ABBA songs, 2. I love the story. It's just a cute story and I can't help but fall in love with all the characters, especially Skye (swoon.) Some day I want to visit the place in Greece where it was filmed because it's just so beautiful. I'd say I've seen the movie more than ten times by now, I just watched it again the other day. I can't get enough of it!
The Parent Trap- This movie is one from my childhood but one I still love to this day. The plot isn't very realistic but I don't care because the story just makes my heart melt. I love the idea that fate brought you and your twin sister who you never knew you had together and I think that's the main reason I love this so much.
New York Minute- Another one from my childhood. Mary-Kate and Ashley were my idols growing up and I loved all their movies, especially this one. This was one of their last movies to film together so they're in their late teens. Mary-Kate's the badass and Ashley's the smart one. I love how even though their sisters, they're totally different and are forced to be together and solve their differences. A bit of a teenage rebel movie at heart. Much like myself.
The Hobbit Trilogy- Now I know you're thinking this is a bit unexpected, compared to the list so far, but I love a bit of fantasy. I'd read the book before seeing the movies and loved how this small hobbit from The Shire could overcome his doubts and go on this big adventure with the dwarfs and Gandalf. My only contradiction is that I think it could have been made into two movies. It did drag on a bit and was a very long adventure by the end of the third movie.
Mean Girls- The ultimate chick flick. This movie is one I come back to all the time, simply because it's so funny. It has so many good one liners, (You go Glen Coco!) and in some ways does represent what a teenage school can be like.
P.S I Love You- I feel an instant connection to this movie simply because some of it is set in Ireland. Although Gerard Butler does not do a great Irish accent, I love how we get to live through this couple's life, even after Gerry's gone. A really good movie for any romantics out there.
Bridget Jones's Diary- Another classic rom-com. I love watching all the stupid things Bridget gets herself into and seeing how the love triangle between Daniel and Mark progresses. Although Hugh Grant is the badass who I know she shouldn't fall for, I can't help but falling for him a small bit myself. Is that so wrong?
Wild Child- Again, this is a great coming of age movie, in some ways similar to Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and including the very gorgeous Freddy Kingsley. Very funny in places but a sweet movie at heart. I don't think I'll ever get sick of it!
Love Actually- This movie is so cute. I love how it's all these small story lines all intertwined to form the message of the movie: love is all you need. It also features some great actors, again including Hugh Grant as the prime minister, who do their job to a tee.
Harry Potter Series- (Particularly The Deathly Hallows Part II) The best left 'til last. This is the ultimate viewing experience. It has everything, romance, tension,fighting and a brilliant speech from Neville at the end. (I may or may not know it off by heart...) Just the best movies ever, and if you haven't seen them yet, what are you doing with your life?!?

So there you have it. All my favourite movies on the one page. It took a long think to narrow it down to these eleven so I hope I'm not forgetting anything important. Hope you enjoyed it!
Adios amigos,
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